Re: Definitions of Software and Database

From: dawn <>
Date: 3 Feb 2006 12:33:08 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Roy Hann wrote:
> "dawn" <> wrote in message
> > Anyway, to get this particular thread started, my question is: What is
> > a precise definition fof the term "software" when used in the phrase
> > "software developer" and (how) does software relate to databases?
> Asking that question implies that you wish to subscribe to some definition
> and hence to any derivations from that definition. Is that your intention?

No. Actually I would just like to clarify my thinking on what software is and what a database is as I'm writing about software development. The terms are seem too mushy when I try to capture them in the form of definitions.

> That seems rather like asking what's a nice religion that I can believe in?

No, I'm interested in clear, crisp communication.

> On the other hand the idea of a thread that starts with some agreed
> definitions is extremely novel for this group. Mostly we seem to like to
> skip that bit so that we can equivocate and talk at cross-purposes for weeks
> on end.

Laughing. Yes, some shared language might be good, although I know we will not all agree on these definitions. I just haven't found one with which I can agree as yet.
Thanks. --dawn Received on Fri Feb 03 2006 - 21:33:08 CET

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