Oracle TOAD: Home & End keys not working in SQL Editor

From: robz8701 <>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 05:43:59 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I am temporarily using a PC which has install of Oracle TOAD v7.4.0.3. When using the SQL Editor the Home and End Keys do not work? It's not a keyboard issue as they work fine in other application on the PC i.e. Word, Notepad, Outlook.

I have tried to find out further info online and found resources stating about a ROW:COL value and to look at the toad.ini file but I still haven't had any luck.

Can anybody help out? This isn't my PC so don't really want to have to install or upgrade to a later version. Received on Tue Sep 25 2007 - 14:43:59 CEST

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