Re: suggestions for good graphical DB query builder

From: Tony Rogerson <>
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 07:22:05 +0100
Message-ID: <fcvo0v$25s$1$>

> While transporting all of your data, all of it, unsecured across a
> network and duplicating it inside SQL Server. Well that make's sense.

[Quoted] First of all it can be secured - perhaps you should stop myth spreading or are you in Denial Again?

[Quoted] Reporting Services and BO query the data directly from Oracle as a data source - Reporting Services is simply a reporting product that you get as part of the SQL Server product set - unlike Oracle you you don't need to buy it seperately.

[Quoted] Time you did some research.

Tony Rogerson, SQL Server MVP
[Ramblings from the field from a SQL consultant]
[UK SQL User Community]
Received on Fri Sep 21 2007 - 08:22:05 CEST

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