Re: pro*c question not running sql
Date: 24 Jan 2006 08:08:43 GMT
Message-ID: <>
sac <> wrote:
> printf("Connected as ....%s",uid);
> EXEC SQL select sal into :x from emp where empno=7369;
> printf("..%d",x):
> it compiles fine and makes the errors...
> it shows the output as "Connected as ....SCOTT/TIGER..0" it is i
> think not executing the select statement ,i have tried selecting many
> other things same problem.....could you help please...
Run a client trace to see what is really going on between your
program and the database.
Edit or create your sqlnet.ora to contain the following lines:
TRACE_DIRECTORY_CLIENT= /a/path/to/a/directory TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT= SUPPORT Point TNS_ADMIN to the directory containing this file and run your program. A trace file cli_####.trc will be created in the trace directory.
It is a little hard to read, but you can see all that is passed between client and server in the trace.
Laurenz Albe
Received on Tue Jan 24 2006 - 09:08:43 CET