Re: How to get the ddl of a table in forms?
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 14:31:29 GMT
Message-Id: <>
[Quoted] On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 02:17:34 -0800, mentor1936 wrote:
> I appreciated the way you forward your information to me.
> But we would rather go with the SQL/data dictionary views that will
> also be worked with previous versions like 8i.
> Instead of using DBMS_METADATA is there other technique available for
> getting the ddl of any table in a schema.
> Also how should I populate the ddl of a table on forms screen after
> pressing the ddl button?
> Could some one send me a little piece of form's code in order to
> achieve what I am wanting on form's screen?
Personally I'd look at Oracle's Project Raptor - it has visual capability, can display DDL for tables in 9i and beyond, and can connect to 8i - worth checking whether it c an display the 8i DDL as well.
However, a LOOOONG time ago (Oracle6 & 7.0), I wrote a SQL statement to display DDL. Like DBMS_METADATA, it returned a single string (pref CLOB) after building up all the appropriate parts from USER_/ALL_/DBA_TABLES and ?_TAB_COLUMNS views. It went along the lines of:
SELECT 'CREATE TABLE '||a.owner_name ||'.' ||
a.table_name || ' (' || chr(13) || ' ' || b.column_name || b.data_type || decode( b.data_type, 'NUMBER',...
although these days I'd probably get lazy and write it as a stored function instead of thinking how to use one SQL statement.
-- Hans Forbrich Canada-wide Oracle training and consulting mailto: *** Top posting [replies] guarantees I won't respond. ***Received on Sat Jan 21 2006 - 15:31:29 CET