Re: Newbye - Help with Oracle9i, web app and web dev toolkit with PL/SQL
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 08:47:06 -0800
Message-ID: <>
Bzm wrote:
> Thank you for your answer.
> I know about, but I wasn't able to find there a
> quickstart or tutorial on how to create a web app and conenct to a
> pl-sql stored proc.
> So, for the begining, I'd like to know if someone can point me to this
> direction.
> Thank you
I'm in agreement with the others that responded and that is why I made the statement that you seemed unqualified for the task ahead. You can not just jump into the middle of a field where most people have 5+ years of experience and expect to understand the basics. And without the basics (SQL, PL/SQL, normalization, constraints, indexes, etc.) you are just going to spend a lot of time making something that won't scale and will be a performance snail.
-- Daniel A. Morgan (replace x with u to respond)Received on Tue Jan 10 2006 - 17:47:06 CET