Re: Migration/Refresh tool

From: Turkbear <>
Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2006 15:24:05 -0600
Message-ID: <>

"Magnus Andersen" <> wrote:

>I guess I still don't understand how this would work. I apologize for
>my ignorance. Here is my scenario...
>create synonym ps_cm_prodcost for sysadm_a.ps_cm_prodcost
>create synonym ps_cm_prodcost for sysadm_b.ps_cm_prodcost
>When I log into the database as magnus and query ps_cm_prodcost, what
>table will I query and why?
>Again, I'm sorry for my ignorance, but I don't understand.

Oracle will not allow duplicate synonym names, so your second statement would fail..

If you were not magnus when you created a synonym, and you did not grant magnus rights to it, you would, as magnus, get a table not found error ( or something similar)..  

Use separate names for the synonyms and grant rights as desired to the user.. Received on Mon Jan 09 2006 - 22:24:05 CET

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