Oracle Licensing Paper

From: Spring04-345u <spring04-345U_at_dhf.eda>
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2004 16:51:38 -0500
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] Hello everyone, I found an interesting article for those who have questions about Oracle licensing, from our good friends at It is very good. Competition is a good thing after all. Any tips, tricks and hints in dealing with Oracle are welcome.

"Oracle is Putting the Support Screws to Customers: An Appergy Execution alert":

My opinion is:
I would suggest what I did: I started deploying all midrange and lower projects using postgresql. At least, I get to make full use of my 4 CPU computer (for free) instead of buying a crippled computer just to stay compliant with Oracle licensing policies. :-)))

Alternate SQL RDBMS:

(FREE) (very good - has triggers and pl/sql aka pgplsql; you can also create your own data types in 'C' and user perl to write stored procedures. Nice!. Very reliable in my opinion.)

(PAY) (DB2) (MS SQLServer)

Cheers! Received on Sat Feb 28 2004 - 22:51:38 CET

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