New Data Quality / BPR / CASE / Business Intelligence / Metadata / System Design & Organisational modelling Suite
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 22:34:08 -0000
Message-ID: <4037dce0$0$21308$>
A new suite of products has been launched this February by KnowITSoft. This suite of products supports up to 250 consecutive users and runs on an Oracle Knowledge / Metadata Warehouse
These products replace the CAPeR 1.07 suite, an established BPR / Knowledge management product.
Major functions supported include
1. Visual capture of business processes at a high level or in extreme detail
in swimlane style diagrams
2. Reuse of process information to support rapid moving BPR projects with
auto highlighting of essential and value adding steps
3. Automatically generated procedures, value add reports, time and resource
consumtion reports and system specs all derived from business process
4. Logical cross-organisation upstream and downstream data flow diagrams
that can be used to see who and what is impacted by data and who / what
creates the data and how it flows through your organisation. All
automatically derived from business process models.
5. Reverse engineering and modelling of databases that can have tables and
columns linked back to processes and intelligence measurements
6. Data quality and operational metrics which are set up once then run
automatically generating email alerts when problems occur
7. Graphical business unit hierarchy modelling and personnel hierarchy
modelling that links to the knowledge described above controlling who can
access whick knowledge wia our web client in your organisation and providing
a central management point for personnel and the structure.
For more information go to Received on Sat Feb 21 2004 - 23:34:08 CET