Re: recover database using backup
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 22:59:31 GMT
Message-ID: <ntyWb.33688$964.32610_at_edtnps84>
Reid L Maier wrote:
> I'm trying to do some automation by placing a set of Oracle commands
> into a DOS batch file. The "recover database using backup
> controlfile;" statement generates a prompt asking for the name of a
> logfile. Provided I know the name of the logfile, is there a way to
> prevent the prompt? Perhaps I can set an internal variable with the
> known logfile name and have the statement execute without the prompt?
> I've asked this question before but the only response I received was
> to 'set autorecovery on'. That doesn't explain which variable needs
> to be set with the name of the logfile name nor how to set it.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Reid
Are you invoking sqlplus? If so, I believe the -S switch will suppress
output/banner etc, and you can pass in arguments on the command line (or
via your script).
more info here:
Curious to know why someone would trust a script to recover their database. Seems rather risky. Received on Wed Feb 11 2004 - 23:59:31 CET