Snapshot too old but UNDO_RETENTION very high
From: (wrong string) ® <>
Date: 5 Feb 2004 17:48:34 GMT
Message-ID: <Xns9486A07016DBEfirehawkcom_at_130.133.1.17>
[Quoted] [Quoted] My developers made a UPDATE from ONE table with 9 Million of lines. [Quoted] Script read a line, make many consistencies and update same line in another column that was empty before.
[Quoted] Ok, tipical case of ORA 1555, but:
Date: 5 Feb 2004 17:48:34 GMT
Message-ID: <Xns9486A07016DBEfirehawkcom_at_130.133.1.17>
[Quoted] [Quoted] My developers made a UPDATE from ONE table with 9 Million of lines. [Quoted] Script read a line, make many consistencies and update same line in another column that was empty before.
[Quoted] Ok, tipical case of ORA 1555, but:
[Quoted] 1) Oracle 9i 2) My undo tablespace has 30 Gb !!! 3) undo_management='AUTO' 4) undo_retention=489600 (very high, no ?)I am with a important production process stopped because this problem
Any hint ?
Received on Thu Feb 05 2004 - 18:48:34 CET