selecting from a returned cursor...

From: Volker Hetzer <>
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2004 18:27:00 +0100
Message-ID: <bvm195$gq3$>

[Quoted] [Quoted] I'm in the process of trying out the different ways a function can return data to sql in a "select"able form.

So far I've figured out how to do that with nested tables:

--the trick is to declare that type outside the package.  create type ZULCHECK_ComponentListType as table of varchar2(255);

show err;

create package ZulCheck_Beispiel authid current_user  as
  function get_result_from_collection return ZULCHECK_ComponentListType;  end ZulCheck_Beispiel;

show err;

create package body ZulCheck_Beispiel
 ComponentList ZULCHECK_ComponentListType;  function get_result_from_collection return ZULCHECK_ComponentListType   is
   return ComponentList;
   end get_result_from_collection;
end ZulCheck_Beispiel;

show err;

In which case
select * from TABLE(ZulCheck_Beispiel.get_result_from_collection); works perfectly fine.

Also, I can declare a function returning a ref cursor.

create package ZulCheck_Beispiel authid current_user  as
  type testcursor is REF CURSOR;
  function get_result_from_cursor return testcursor;  end ZulCheck_Beispiel;

show err;

create package body ZulCheck_Beispiel
 function get_result_from_cursor return testcursor   is
   res1 testcursor;
   open res1 for select * from ZULCHECK_ZULASSUNG;    return res1;
   end get_result_from_cursor;

end ZulCheck_Beispiel;

show err;

select * from cursor(ZulCheck_Beispiel.get_result_from_cursor); doesn't work.

So, is there any way to select from a returned cursor?

Lots of Greetings!
Volker Received on Mon Feb 02 2004 - 18:27:00 CET

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