Re: Oracle 8.1.7 Client problem when using the command prompt
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 13:15:44 +0200
Message-ID: <ai8h2j$11s9rn$>
I think You may have a problem to work with a 8.1.7 Client against a 8.0.5
I would suggest You to intall a 8.0.7 Client instead.
But I am not sure...I only had environments where both client and server had
the same versions.
"Louise" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi
> I would be grateful for some urgent help with a problem I have
> encountered with attempting to run the SQL Plus utility from the
> command prompt on a Windows 2000 platform PC with Oracle 8.1.7 Client
> installed. I receive the message "TNS protocol adapter error" when I
> type
> sqlplus scott/tiger
> If I type this line at the command prompt on the 8.0.5 server the
> login succeeds. This login succeeds from the SQL Plus utility on the
> client PC!
> I need to be able to log in from the command prompt on the client PC
> so I can call the SQL Loader utility using a shell call from a VB
> application.
> Thanks in advance
> Louise
Received on Wed Jul 31 2002 - 13:15:44 CEST