Re: Avoid Discard Msg in Log file

From: Thomas Gaines <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 12:31:23 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Anil -

Daniel's absolutely correct. You need to be a bit more descriptive when describing a situation. If question-askers aren't willing to put forth the effort to formulate a good question, then question-answerers generally will not provide a good answer or pointer.

Anyway, Daniel, Anil is referring to SQL*Loader. One can specify a pseudo "when" clause in the control file to filter out which records to load. It's a nice feature to SQL*Loader.

Anil, I'm not aware of any technique to suppress the lines that you're seeing. You're probably receiving many thousands of these, unfortunately. Perhaps you can run your SQL*Loader output through the Unix program sed to eliminate these messages. Be sure, however, not to remove something meaningful.


Daniel Morgan wrote:

> Anil Gundugollu wrote:
> > Is there an option I can set in the Control file so that I can avoid messages
> > like,
> > "Record 22932: Discarded - failed all WHEN clauses."
> >
> > whenever a record does not meet the "WHEN clause".
> >
> > TIA
> >
> > Anil
> In what product and version?
> Some of us aren't mind readers. ;-)
> Daniel Morgan
Received on Mon Jul 29 2002 - 20:31:23 CEST

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