Re: Oracle Forms 9i
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 15:46:14 GMT
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Paul Murphy wrote:
> I just downloaded the Developer Suite (Windows version). I've never used or
> seen Oracle Forms before, but I'm going to start learning as quickly as I
> can. I'm trying to find some good tutorial-type documentation (make a sample
> project) . It looks like Oracle Docs hasn't come out with a PDF book for it
> yet and all the books on Amazon seem to be for the previous version. The
> online help is a bit useful, but I'd really like to walk through a full
> project step by step. Has anyone made an online tutorial like this or does
> anyone know of any good books? So far, I'm scraping by with guessing and
> trying the help files. Thanks for your advice...Paul
There are a few books on the market that sort of do this but I have been disappointed with all of them for one reason or another. Take a look (at a bookstore, not online) and perhaps you will find something that will work for you.
Otherwise my advice would be to install Developer Suite first and then install, or reinstall the database. Be sure to look to the advice on configuring multiple Oracle Homes too. It is very important.
Daniel Morgan Received on Mon Jul 29 2002 - 17:46:14 CEST