Re: Oracle forms resource hacker

From: Daniel Morgan <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 14:58:46 GMT
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] Stjepan Brbot wrote:

> For Win32 applications there is program called "Resource Hacker"
> allowing to you to extract all resources (icons, labels, strings, meni
> items, etc.) from ordinary PE application, DLL ir similar files. The
> usefulness of this program is that you can change labels in already
> compiled program to fullfil your needs (i.e. translation) without having
> the source code of this program. Is there any similar program for
> compiled Oracle forms (FMX files)?
> --
> Stjepan Brbot

[Quoted] Not that I am aware of. And if I ever find one being used on one of my applications the user, and his company, will no doubt learn much about the cost of litigation in the US legal system.

Daniel Morgan Received on Wed Jul 24 2002 - 16:58:46 CEST

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