Re: HELP iAS902 DISPLAY /etc/hosts settings
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 01:08:53 GMT
Message-ID: <F6n%8.154192$>
Set as: DISPLAY=localhost:0.0; export DISPLAY This worked on RedHat 7.3 and Advanced Server installs.
"AF" <> wrote in message news:ahk8eu$s2h$
> Help Please:
> Version: iAS902 on Redhat LINUX 7.3
> Problem:
> Seems to be a conflict in the settings required by ORACLE and LINUX.
> Need help properly configuring the settings.
> Description:
> The docs for iAS and iDB require that DISPLAY be set to the name of the
> Machine. For the example we will use the machine
> export
> Redhat sets up the /etc/hosts:
> tahati localhost.localdomain localhost
> This setting will cause problems with the Intelligent Agent And I assume
> other problems with iAS as well. The install notes for the agent (and
> iDB9.2) states that the /etc/hosts file must be changed to:
> localhost.localdomain localhost
> tahati
> With /etc/hosts and DISPLAY set to the required ORACLE settings all X
> applications will not work because of xhost. Executing xhost +tahati
> it to work but now I have what can only be described as inconsistent
> behavior.
> Is it correct to set DISPLAY=localhost for iAS startup (after install is
> complete)?
> Does any part of the system like forms, reports or em, use the DISPLAY env
> var while running?
> Thanks for any help
Received on Wed Jul 24 2002 - 03:08:53 CEST