Re: Oracle Management Server doesn't start
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 14:05:16 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <ah6hus$c21$1_at_localhost.localdomain>
Paulo escribió:
>I'm having a problem:
>I've installed Oracle 8.1.7 on a Windows 2000 Server with SP2 and
>SRP1, and it appears to be working fine.
>I've made the default installation, after that I've made the
>Management Tools installation, created one database to my use and
>another one to Oracle Internet Directory repository and I've created a
>Management Repository on the first database, to use with OEM.
>When I try to start the service Windows says that the service faild
>and didn't returned any error message.
>I've tried also to start the service from command line using the
>OMSNTsrv.exe. It doesn't return any message, and if right after the
>command OMSNTsrv -s I run the command OMSNTsrv -q it says that the
>service is running. After 30 seconds, if I run the OMSNTsrv -q again
>it says that the service is stopped.
This seems to be an unsolved bug in Oracle 8.1.7, at least it was the last time I search something in Metalink. Sorry.
-- Atte. Álvaro Palma Aste Grupo de Ing. Biomédica Depto. de Ing. Eléctrica - U. de Chile ****************************************************** It's the only form of protest they're allowed I've seen their silent faces scream so loud If they were to speak these words they'd go missing too Another woman on a torture table what else can they do Sting - They Dance Alone...Received on Thu Jul 18 2002 - 16:05:16 CEST