Re: HELP! - Need something to insert new CLOB to Oracle
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 23:22:27 +0200
Message-ID: <>
[Quoted] [Quoted] On 17 Jul 2002 13:22:39 -0700, (Chris D.) wrote:
>I'm looking for any tips, examples, anything at all that would help me
>to figure out a way to add a CLOB to an Oracle database using my own
>application that I am developing.
>What I am trying to do is this: I am trying to transfer several
>hundred MBs worth of textual data into records in an Oracle database.
>I have this text data delimited already, but two of the "fields" are
>extremely large and thus need to be put into CLOBs (we are performing
>indexing on these fields once in Oracle as well).
>I can find no easy way to insert new rows that include CLOBs into the
>database. I have tried Visual C++ and the various Oracle tools
>available there and find that it does not work. I have also tried
>Visual Basic, and while I have gotten two programs working with it
>(one using ODBC and the other OO4O), VB seems to have a terrible time
>allocating, and more precisely de-allocating memory so I have a
>continuous memory leak that eventually brings down the program after
>it has run thru only about 100k records.
>I'm sure what I am doing is not unique, i.e adding new data records
>that include CLOBs to Oracle, and I am just looking for any help I can
>get as to what direction I should go to make this work. I've been
>banging my head off these various items for 3 weeks now to no avail.
>Thanks so much!!!
You could have saved yourself 3 weeks of banging your head if you
would only have use the Oracle documentation with respect to the
dbms_lob package.
Also indexing a CLOB is a very bad idea, as that is what Oracle
Intermedia has been invented for.
Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBA
To reply remove -verwijderdit from my e-mail address Received on Wed Jul 17 2002 - 23:22:27 CEST