Re: coredump because of OCIEnvInit
Date: 14 Jul 2002 23:59:41 -0700
Message-ID: <>
> First of all 8.1.6 is desupported by Oracle. You should upgrade to
> atleast 8.1.7.x ( recommended patchset) if possible.
I cannot do this at compile time because the apps should work on 8.1.6
But I test it on 8.1.7 and it's giving me the same errors.
> Secondly, you should use OCIEnvCreate() in your application instead of
> OCIEnvInit() or OCIInitialize(). Later two functions are only there
> for backward compatability to versions prior to 8.1.5.
My call to OCIEnvCreate is done from another 3rd party library so I
cannot change the code.
Do you know of some pathces that should be applied for ORACLE for
solving this problem (OS or database pathces).
> //Rauf Sarwar
Radu B.
Received on Mon Jul 15 2002 - 08:59:41 CEST