How to add spelling control feature to Forms 6
From: Pieter <>
Date: 14 Jul 2002 13:49:28 -0700
Message-ID: <>
[Quoted] I am developing a monhtly reporting system in Oracle. I am using Forms 6 to let the users interact with the Database. I just presented a proto type and users liked it, but requested some sort of spelling control as they were used to have in MS-Word.
Date: 14 Jul 2002 13:49:28 -0700
Message-ID: <>
[Quoted] I am developing a monhtly reporting system in Oracle. I am using Forms 6 to let the users interact with the Database. I just presented a proto type and users liked it, but requested some sort of spelling control as they were used to have in MS-Word.
How can I add this feature? Does the new Forms 9 allow this. Is there a third party plug-in of soem kind that I can use?
Thanks a lot!
Pieter Received on Sun Jul 14 2002 - 22:49:28 CEST