Re: Anyone suggest a good XML primer and guide to Oracle XML, especially the PL/SQL packages in (8i or 9i)?
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 09:48:56 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Andy Hardy wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just started to look at XML and have only a superficial knowledge
> of the subject. I'm interested in the processing and generating of XML
> primarily for data interfaces to other systems.
> At the moment we're using 8i, although I expect us to move to 9i by the
> end of the year (but will still need to support customers using 8i for
> the foreseeable future).
> I'm looking for a good primer on XML and XSL which integrates with the
> Oracle PL/SQL tool set.
> Any suggestions?
> Andy
> --
> Andy Hardy. PGP ID: 0xA62A4849
Hi Andy,
I assume you're looking for something other than the Oracle
documentation, right?
[Quoted] I haven't looked at it, but there is a book called "Building Oracle XML Applications" which is available (online) from "Safari" at:
They are offering a free, two-week, trial subscription. You can "subscribe" to (up to) ten books.
Good Luck,
Received on Sun Jul 14 2002 - 09:48:56 CEST