Re: Sound from Forms 6
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 15:45:46 GMT
Message-ID: <>
Álvaro Palma Aste wrote:
> Daniel Morgan escribió:
> >Álvaro Palma Aste wrote:
> ><RANT>
> >Your point being?
> >I was expecting that you might show enough initiative to find out what
> >sounds and features were available. Had you done so you would have seen the
> >ability to choose mono or stereo. Sound formats like WAVE, AU, AIFF, and
> >AIFF_C. Sound compression. And select different sound qualities. Instead you
> >wanted me to what? Spoon feed it to you as I have just done? Or do yo not
> >recognize that WAVE files are more than meer beeps?
> >And some people wonder why I get a bit frustrated at times. You give someone
> >the correct answer with sufficient information that all they need to do is
> >perform a single mouse click, or heaven forbid, Press F1 for help, and you
> >get a response like this from an electrical engineer?
> ></RANT>
> >Daniel Morgan
> Wait a second, I was trying to thank your answer, even when it
> doesn´t apply to my problem. If you've read more carefully before
> start writing, you have noted that I was talking about
> LOUDSPEAKERS, so I NEED ONLY BEEPS, not wav or other sound to
> play, BECAUSE MY PC's DOESN´T HAVE AUDIO CARDS!!!! Are you clear
> now?
> So please, before try to ridicule me, read the news first. Ah, by
> the way, my job as an electrical engineer has nothing to do with
> Oracle, so I don´t see your point.
> If you're such a gentil man as you say, then why do you answer as
> you did?
> --
> Atte.
> Álvaro Palma Aste
> Grupo de Ing. Biomédica
> Depto. de Ing. Eléctrica - U. de Chile
> ******************************************************
> It's the only form of protest they're allowed
> I've seen their silent faces scream so loud
> If they were to speak these words they'd go missing too
> Another woman on a torture table what else can they do
> Sting - They Dance Alone...
[Quoted] My apology. I should have been more sensitive to the fact that your English is very substantially better than my Spanish. But I was still led astray. My again apology.
[Quoted] Look at the BELL built-in and see if that will do what you want?
Daniel Morgan Received on Thu Jul 11 2002 - 17:45:46 CEST