Re: FRM-10083 help
From: dulem <>
Date: 11 Jul 2002 06:18:47 GMT
Message-ID: <3d2d2347$>
Date: 11 Jul 2002 06:18:47 GMT
Message-ID: <3d2d2347$>
Hello! check registry parameter named
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\FORMS50_PATH This parameter specifies the search path for files used in a Form Builder runtime application. These include form files (.fmx), menu files (.mmx), PL/SQL libraries (.pll), and other objects that the application attempts to load from a file at runtime. If you have more than one directory, check that only one directory contains your *.pll library. Otherwise, Forms may refer unwanted library (with same name). regards, Dusan Marjanov macko_at_eunet.yu
-- Posted via dBforums http://dbforums.comReceived on Thu Jul 11 2002 - 08:18:47 CEST