Re: ntusnt error
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2002 14:50:21 GMT
Message-ID: <>
Mahesh wrote:
> Hi Oracle Gurus,
> We have problem with ASP/Crystal Reports accessing Oracle on AIX. The
> Crystal Reports works fine on one NT server and fails to read the
> records from the database on another server.
> Besides many other things, we did a client side trace of Oracle
> activity on the 2 NT Servers at the time of Crystal Reports execution
> and here are the differences that can potentially tell the root cause
> of the problem
> 1. Development Server (on which the Crystal Reports call from ASP
> works)
> The program that tries to connect to Oracle is MTX.EXE
> The connection succeeds
> 2. Production Server (on which the CR call from ASP fails)
> The program that tries to connect to Oracle is INETINFO.EXE
> The connection fails with the message:
> -<ERROR>- LoadLibrary on ntusnt returned error(126)
> -<ERROR>- nsres: id=0, op=77, ns=12538, ns2=12560; nt[0]=508, nt[1]=0,
> nt[2]=0
> Call failed...
> So we seem to be having an Oracle connection failure problem. We
> searched the Internet about 'ntusnt' reported in the error message and
> it seems to be an Oracle networking related DLL. When does ntusnt
> returns the error code 126 and what does it mean, does anybody know?
> Why is one NT server using Mtx.Exe and other InetInfo.exe for Oracle
> connection? Any ideas?
> Thanks for your help
Can you connect from the Crystal client using SQL*Plus?
If so the problem is your ODBC connection.
If not report the ORA-##### error message with full and complete text.
Daniel Morgan Received on Tue Jul 09 2002 - 16:50:21 CEST