Re: Book Suggestion??
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2002 15:10:41 GMT
Message-ID: <>
ALS wrote:
> Can anyone suggest a good practical book on Oracle forms?
> I am an ex sql*forms 3 developer and have a lot of experience with the RDBMS
> up to 8i, SQL and PL/SQL, so I'm looking for something that's
> straightforward but doesn't need to explain the basic concepts. However,
> I've missed the whole web side - so some concepts in this area would be
> good. Ideally forms 6 for forms 3 developers would be what I'm after :-)
> but in the real world, the closest approximation would be cool.
> Thanks in advance.
> Allan
I've yet to find an Oracle Forms book I thought was good. But the best of what I have seen are written by Albert Lulushi.
Prepare to find it difficult to use the book to find answers to problems. To me, and my students, the index and table-of-contents just don't lead to where the answers can be found. On the positive side ... the answers are likely there somewhere.
Daniel Morgan Received on Mon Jul 08 2002 - 17:10:41 CEST