Re: column total in forms
Date: Sun, 07 Jul 2002 20:29:15 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Thanks guys!
Your hints were just enough to solve my issue!
Luis Cabral wrote:
>You didn't tell your forms version, but if you use 6i (or 5, I think)
>you can use a computed control item. See the "calculation" group of
>item properties. You can create a summary computed item that
>automatically SUMs the percentages, an in the pre-commit trigger you
>can check if it is = 100...
>"Pieter J.D. Huiberts" <> wrote in message news:<>...
>>I am developing a time distribution form in forms (dev/2000). The user
>>gets pressented its projects in rows, and can than assign how much of
>>his time (%) he spend on a project each month. Before committing this
>>info to the db, I would like to validate that the time totals to 100%.
>>How can I total these text_items before committing them into the db?
>>Is it possible to do something like total := row1 + row2 + row3, where
>>the cursor loops from the records?
>>The user sees this form and only fills out % of his time spend.
>>Projects Time (%)
>>Project 1 33
>>Project 2 33
>>Project 3 33
>> Total 99%
>>Thanks a bunch,
Received on Mon Jul 08 2002 - 02:29:15 CEST