Re: SQL*Net installation problem
Date: Fri, 05 Jul 2002 16:34:08 GMT
Message-ID: <>
Ted Thomas wrote:
> At the start of the installation of the SQL*Net portion of Personal Oracle
> on a new PC running Windows 2000, an error message "Unable to
> delete NT service for the SQL*Net V2 Listener" occurrs and the installation
> aborts. I could not find any information on this service (I checked the
> processes list, the services administrative tool, the Professional Resource
> Kit manual, and fished around the registry).
> Someone had suggested earlier that the remainder of Personal Oracle would
> probably load if the SQL*Net portion was not included, which turned out to
> be the case. However, the database can't be accessed via ODBC without
> SQL*Net, which makes it rather useless. I have successfully installed this
> version of Oracle on other computers running Windows 2000, though I can't
> remember if Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 was installed before or after the
> Oracle installation.
> Can anyone tell me where the "NT service for the SQL*Net V2 Listener" is
> located (and under what name) and how to get around this problem?
> Thanks,
> Ted Thomas
I have no idea what is going wrong other than the likelihood that your verion of Oracle is incompatible with the platform. Well that and the fact that it is ancient history.
I would suggest that you either download a current version or go to and purchase a demo pack for $39.95.
Daniel Morgan Received on Fri Jul 05 2002 - 18:34:08 CEST