Re: Latency using UTL_TCP against SendMail on Linux box
Date: 3 Jul 2002 19:56:32 -0700
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Thanks for the input Tim.
I'm still supporting Oracle 8.1.6 in a previous version of our product. Maybe fourth quarter we will have the mail piece rewritten under 8.1.7.
You are right about the extended ASSCI because we have European and Asia Pacific customers.
The setup I was testing under was Oracle DB to the SendMail/Linux box and on to MS Exchange. I questioned my network expert and he was pointing the finger at Oracle even though I was suspecting some configuration at the Linux box.
I tried the code directly against the MS Exchange box and found no latency. When I cornered the network guy he looked a little more closely and found that it was a configuration issue in the firewall. Once he set the offending parameter from 5 seconds to zero seconds the latency went away.
Your answer help clarify the unknowns and I really thank you for sharing your knowledge. Received on Thu Jul 04 2002 - 04:56:32 CEST