Re: Need Suggestions on a Development Environment

From: Daniel Morgan <>
Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2002 19:41:26 GMT
Message-ID: <>

John Edwards wrote:

> Hi,
> just looking for a few pointers on alternative development environments.
> A colleague of mine has prototyped a small but useful application using
> oracle forms and running against an oracle database. I think the
> application has potential to be more widely adopted but not as an Oracle
> Forms/DB application as Oracle is just too heavy and over the top for this
> application.
> Can anyone suggest an alternative development environment. The application
> only uses 10 tables and 6 views. It has 4 stored procedures which the
> developer says could easily be designed out if necessary. Basically all of
> the application logic and business rules are stored in the form.
> Requirements
> * Ideally it would great to develop in an environment where the end result
> could be run as a standalone application with the end user having no
> knowledge or sense of a database running at the back end of it.
> * ODBC to any compliant database if the user has the technical ability and
> chooses to take the extra step to set this up.
> * Web Aware - ie a version of the application could easily be built that
> would run inside a browser window and read/write all its data from a web
> based database server.
> * Simple Installation - something like the 'Wise Installation Wizard' with
> the user just jollying the install process along by clicking 'Yes' to all
> the prompts.
> * Small footprint - something with a huge footprint like oracle would kill
> this idea stone dead - it is a simple idea and just doesn't require that
> huge sledgehammer overhead. The final application plus embedded database
> should really stay within say 20Mb and not require the additional
> installation and setup and maintenance of supporting software/runtimes etc.
> I know the above is a very general, wide and baggy brief but all suggestions
> and pointers are welcomed. Up until 4 years ago I was an Oracle
> Application Developer but I now work in another industry. The development
> landscape has changed completely since I was working in it and so a few
> pointers would be most welcome.
> Thanks in advance for all suggestions.
> JED.
[Quoted] Your friend is heading in the wrong direction. You don't design procedures out [Quoted] of the database into the form. You design it out of the forms into the database. [Quoted] At least you do if performance and scalability matter.

[Quoted] I see no reason why you couldn't use Oracle Forms as it would give you the ability to offer a web front-end but if that isn't what you want to do then [Quoted] anything from VB to ASP to C++ to Java to PowerBuilder, etc is available.

[Quoted] Why do you think Oracle Forms is too heavy? Are you mistaking the development [Quoted] environment for the run-time environment?

Daniel Morgan Received on Tue Jul 02 2002 - 21:41:26 CEST

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