Re: Icons from a resource-only DLL
Date: 1 Jul 2002 08:08:10 -0700
Message-ID: <>
"Zafer AKTAN" <> wrote in message news:<>...
> I always kept the icons as separate files. This also helped me when we
> ported our application (client/server) to other platforms. If you do use a
> dll file and have to port the application in the future (or use the 9iAS on
> a unix box for example), you will have not be able to use your dll file.
> this is just a suggestion.
> regards
> Zafer AKTAN
> Oracle DBA/Developer
Thank you very much for your reply. Yes, bundling the icon files in a DLL would lead to portability issues, but we are wiling to live with that for the time being ;-) I was wondering whether such bundling is possible at all, or is it something not supported at all by Forms.
Thanks again for your response.
Rajesh Jayaprakash Received on Mon Jul 01 2002 - 17:08:10 CEST