Re: backup recovery / oracle backup controlfile

From: joel garry <>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 13:44:03 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Mar 26, 9:43�am, dba cjb <> wrote:
> I need to understand what event/ sequence of events requires the use
> of the ' using backup controlfile' syntax when effecting recovery
> I am trying to build my own recovery scenario cases for our specific
> set-up
> regards
> Chris B

It's basically a way of telling Oracle that you know better than it what logs are available. For example, if you have a copy of everything from Sunday, including the controlfile, and all the archived logs since then, you can use the syntax to bring it more current than Sunday. Conversely, it is one of the ways to perform recovery to a point in time before, though not necessary (see MOS 94114.1).

As to what sequence of events requires the use of it:

$ oerr ora 1610
01610, 00000, "recovery using the BACKUP CONTROLFILE option must be done"
// *Cause: Either an earlier database recovery session specified BACKUP
// CONTROLFILE, or the control file was recreated with the RESETLOGS
// option, or the control file being used is a backup control file.

//          After that only BACKUP CONTROLFILE recovery is allowed
//          and it must be followed by a log reset at the next
database open.
// *Action: Perform recovery using the BACKUP CONTROFILE option.

There're also some incarnation scenarios, and if you are using a split mirror, see MOS 302615.1.

Also, to belabor the obvious, if you've lost all your controlfiles.


-- is bogus.
Received on Fri Mar 26 2010 - 15:44:03 CDT

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