Re: backup recovery / oracle backup controlfile
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 13:29:33 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Mar 26, 12:43 pm, dba cjb <> wrote:
> I need to understand what event/ sequence of events requires the use
> of the ' using backup controlfile' syntax when effecting recovery
> I am trying to build my own recovery scenario cases for our specific
> set-up
> regards
> Chris B
You only need to use the "with backup control file" clause when the backup you are going to run includes/uses a restored control file rather than use the current control file. You will be rolling forward to a point in time that is newer than the point in time last (really SCN) recorded in the control file. You are telling Oracle to expect this condition and to update the control file as the database is rolled forward. (Note at the end of the roll forward recovery process incomplete transactions are rolled back but this is really important to your question.)
When performing a full recovery of the database you should always use the current control file if it is undamaged.
The Backup and Recovery manual explains the backup, restore, and recovery process in much greater detail. It is essential reading for a DBA.
HTH -- Mark D Powell -- Received on Fri Mar 26 2010 - 15:29:33 CDT