Re: DBCA failing after 10.2.03 upgrade

From: Maxim Demenko <>
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2008 19:04:00 +0200
Message-ID: <>

Mike Jones schrieb:
> After upgrading from Oracle 10g to I am no longer
> able to use DBCA to create a new database. I believe the problem is the
> patch set does not upgrade the seed database used by DBCA
> from to Thus after DBCA completes the DB
> replication and attempts to start the instance it fails with a
> disconnect (essentially the same error one receives if they do not
> upgrade their current databases after the patch installation). This
> behavior is understandable given it's attempting to start a
> instance. My question is how can I update the seed database or otherwise
> utilize DBCA to create new databases after an upgrade?
> I am running Oracle 10g with the patch upgrade,
> Oracle Enterprise Linux 4 Update 6 (x86, 32 bit, Oracles version of
> Linux). I've used DBUA and/or catupgrd.sql to upgrade my existing
> databases without problem. I've read the release notes, performed the
> necessary pre/post installation tasks, etc. I can't seem to find any
> reference to this issue through Google or in these forums. Am I the only
> one experiencing this problem?
> Thanks in advance

I suggest, you should investigate the upgrade log file to find out, why your seed databases were not patched. In addition Note 556639.1 may be helpful.

Best regards

Maxim Received on Sat Apr 26 2008 - 12:04:00 CDT

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