Re: DBCA failing after 10.2.03 upgrade
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2008 09:52:50 -0700
Message-ID: <>
Mike Jones wrote:
> After upgrading from Oracle 10g to I am no longer
> able to use DBCA to create a new database. I believe the problem is the
> patch set does not upgrade the seed database used by DBCA
> from to Thus after DBCA completes the DB
> replication and attempts to start the instance it fails with a
> disconnect (essentially the same error one receives if they do not
> upgrade their current databases after the patch installation). This
> behavior is understandable given it's attempting to start a
> instance. My question is how can I update the seed database or otherwise
> utilize DBCA to create new databases after an upgrade?
> I am running Oracle 10g with the patch upgrade,
> Oracle Enterprise Linux 4 Update 6 (x86, 32 bit, Oracles version of
> Linux). I've used DBUA and/or catupgrd.sql to upgrade my existing
> databases without problem. I've read the release notes, performed the
> necessary pre/post installation tasks, etc. I can't seem to find any
> reference to this issue through Google or in these forums. Am I the only
> one experiencing this problem?
> Thanks in advance
The only one I know. <g>
-- Daniel A. Morgan Oracle Ace Director & Instructor University of Washington (replace x with u to respond) Puget Sound Oracle Users Group www.psoug.orgReceived on Sat Apr 26 2008 - 11:52:50 CDT