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Re: Unable to manually create RAC database

From: trub3101 <>
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 15:42:17 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

On 15 Dec, 21:16, DA Morgan <> wrote:
> The Boss wrote:
> > DA Morgan wrote:
> >> trub3101 wrote:
> >>> On 15 Dec, 12:59, DA Morgan <> wrote:
> >>>> trub3101 wrote:
> >>>>> Hi Guru's,
> >>>>> I am hoping that someone (anyone!) will be able to provide me with
> >>>>> some assistance with this as my RAC experience is very limited.
> >>>>> I have been trying to manually create a new RAC database
> >>>>> <new_RAC_db> but I keep getting this error message:
> >>>>> create database "<new_RAC_db>"
> >>>>> *
> >>>>> ERROR at line 1:
> >>>>> ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
> >>>>> The servers (hosted) came online yesterday with <test_RAC_db>
> >>>>> running (no db build script provided!)however, because of the
> >>>>> db_block_size (too small) this
> >>>>> is of no use to our business needs
> >>>> What is the operating system?
> >>>> What block size did it come with?
> >>>> What block size do you need and why?


> >>>>> create database "<new_RAC_db>"
> >>>>> maxinstances 10
> >>>>> maxlogfiles 20
> >>>>> maxdatafiles 100
> >>>>> maxlogmembers 5
> >>>>> character set "UTF8"
> >>>>> datafile '/opt/app/oracle/oradata/<new_RAC_db>/system/
> >>>>> system01.dbf' size 250M
> >>>>> <balance snipped>
> >>>> I have never seen anyone successfully build a RAC cluster using this
> >>>> method. I am sure someone has but why put yourself through so much
> >>>> pain with no gain.

> >>>> Use DBCA.
> >>>> --
> >>>> Daniel A. Morgan
> >>>> Oracle Ace Director & Instructor
> >>>> University of Washington
> >>>> (replace x with u to respond)
> >>>> Puget Sound Oracle Users quoted text -

> >>>> - Show quoted text -
> >>> Hi Daniel,

> >>> Thanks for your quick reply.

> >>> The OS is Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4
> >>> The block size for <new_RAC_db> is 8192
> >>> The current requirement is 16384 which when created will be populate
> >>> by an export dmp.
> >>> All our tablespaces for the database being migrated across has a 16k
> >>> blocksize.

> >>> Forgive my ignorance but I have to admit I am not clear on how to
> >>> call up DBCA as the servers are being hosted by an outside company.

> >>> Thanks again for you reply.
> >> 8K is the correct block size for Linux. Creating a 16K blocksize will
> >> likely gain you precisely nothing but extra work. Look up how to
> >> choose a block size on Howard Roger's

> > Can you provide a more precise pointer to Howard's site where he states "8K
> > is the correct block size for Linux"?
> > Please read his article seems to
> > be far more balanced than such a simplistic "silver bullet" advice.

> Let me point you to the first sentence of what Howard wrote:

> "If you are buffering your I/O (that is, your file system has its own
> buffering mechanism, as most do by default), then your Oracle block size
> should match your file system's buffer size exactly"

> With every system I have ever seen where the o/s is Linux or Windows
> that will be 8K.
> --
> Daniel A. Morgan
> Oracle Ace Director & Instructor
> University of Washington
> (replace x with u to respond)
> Puget Sound Oracle Users Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Thanks again for your help Daniel.

The only problem I think I may then have is that the data I will be importing into the new database is from a 16k Blocksize database on a Solaris box.
I am assuming there will be a problem with the import but perhaps there won't be.

Thanks again for all your helpful insight.

tb3101 Received on Sat Dec 15 2007 - 17:42:17 CST

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