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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: querying an identical database on an alternate server
On Dec 14, 11:41 am, "steven_nospam at Yahoo! Canada"
<> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am confused about using database links and need a little help. I am
> using Oracle on AIX platform, and unfortunately, I am much
> more familiar with Informix configurations.
> Here is my situation:
> 1) I have two hosts (AIX servers): PROD and TEST
> 2) On each server, I have a very small database/instance called
> MENU_at_INST01.
> The MENU database contains tables that are used by our startup
> profiles to create initial menus that users will see when they log in,
> instead of a shell prompt. The menus determine what other databases
> they are allowed to access using a proprietary software.
> My problem is that over time, I occasionally (on demand) want to
> refresh the MENU database that is on the TEST server. Now I have a
> variety of options, including setting up a logical standby database,
> or exporting the tables from PROD and then importing them to TEST.
> However, one of the things I wanted to try was to use a PUBLIC
> DATABASE LINK. My weakness in this is the correct setup of the
> listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files.
> I tried to use the following:
> CONNECT TO menuuser
> USING 'prodmenu';
> The username "menuuser" and "mnupwd" are valid $ORAUSER and $ORAPASSWD
> on both servers. However, when I tried to perform a select statement:
> SELECT * FROM TAB_USERS_at_prodmenu;
> I get the ORA-02019 error saying that the "prodmenu" remote database
> cannot be found. So I made a few changes in my tnsnames.ora file,
> since I think it needs to be able to loacte that "prodmenu" name. Here
> is what I added:
> #######################################
> $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
> #######################################
> menu =
> (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL= TCP)(HOST=test)(PORT= 1521))
> )
> prodmenu =
> (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL= TCP)(Host=prod)(Port= 1521))
> )
> After setting that up, I instead was getting ORA-02085 errors, which
> says "database link MENULINK connects to MENU". It almost sounds like
> it was complaining that it found the database on the current server
> and not on the remote server.
> Can anyone give me an example of the "proper" structure of the files,
> or point me in the right direction? I have been reviewing the docs on
>, but can't seem to get the ideal info since there is
> so much in different manuals, and a lot of it discusses Oracle under
> Windows or automated configs through Network Config Asst instead of
> manually-created. Sometimes info overload is not a good thing! ;-)
> Thx in advance.
> Steve
Go through this and give us the additional information to help you:
-- is bogus.,1000002000,39291463,00.htmReceived on Fri Dec 14 2007 - 16:51:06 CST
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