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Re: Oracle DBA Job Opening in Boston

From: Niall Litchfield <>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2006 06:41:48 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Brian Peasland wrote:

> joel garry wrote:

>> Niall Litchfield wrote:
>>> kinn wrote:
>>>> I just flip when I see that visa transfer crap
>>>> "DA Morgan"
>>>>> Was this language necessary? We don't need another omlet/xg.
>>>>> That position has already been filled.
>>>>> Thank you.
>>> for good old fashioned racist reasons? Or because you are economically
>>> illiterate?

>> Since there has been a great deal of abuse of certain visa programs,
>> having a simple negative reaction to them does not necessarily imply
>> either racism or economic illiteracy. It might be such, and sometimes
>> is. It certainly seems to elicit claims of racism from the mere
>> posting of the facts, very ironic if it the post was not intended to be
>> racist. I for one hate the abuse of the program, not the poor abused
>> people who have to live in fear of not being able to find another
>> sponsor. Unless they happen to start spamming me, because that is the
>> only sponsor they can find. I'm colorblind about hating spammers,
>> anyways. Does it make me racist if the majority of the spammers have
>> Indian-subcontinent style names?

>> jg
> Well said. Just because one hates sushi does not mean that one hates 
> Japanese individuals or Asians in general. Implying so is racist in its 
> own right.
> Cheers,
> Brian

Well true enough, but disliking food or some other aspect of a foreign culture is somewhat different reaction to swearing at the mere mention of an employment for immigrants scheme. "Coming over here , taking our jobs" is as old as the hills. Discussing drawbacks, shortcomings and abuses is one thing, but the post to which I was objecting did none of the above.

And of course there is the possibility that the OP merely thinks incorrectly that the H1-B scheme and others like it is a bad thing economically. Hence the economically illiterate part.


Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA
Received on Thu Aug 24 2006 - 00:41:48 CDT

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