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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Limit UPDATE statements to affect only one row
bernard ( wrote:
> I will benchmark both solutions and see which is fastest with least
> amount of latches. I suspect the trigger will be since it will stop
> execution after it touched 2 rows, but latching might be slightly
> higher due to contention on the package counter.
I'm sure no one cares anymore but as promised, I did some benchmarking using Tom Kyte's RUNSTATS package to see the difference using the Trigger and VPD/RLS solution and got the following results:
RUN1: Maxim Demenko Solution using Triggers and Package Counter RUN2: Bernard's Solution using VPD/RLS security function to analyse the SQL before execution
Test Case: using a 000 iterations of the following SQL procedure:
create or replace procedure do_updates_on_emp as
update emp set sal = sal+1;
when others then
update emp set sal = sal+1 where emp.ename = 'SMITH';
when others then
update emp set sal = sal+1 where emp.job = 'MANAGER';
when others then
I did rerun the test and also switched the RUN1 and RUN2 scenarios to ensure constant results.
-------------------------RESULTS (1) ---------------------------------
Using 'raise exception' instead of 'return 1=0' in VPD/RLS function so
that the security
function act the same as the trigger and pacakge solution resulted in:
Run1 ran in 2222 hsecs
Run2 ran in 2261 hsecs
run 1 ran in 98.28% of the time
Name Run1 Run2 Diff ................. STAT...consistent gets - exami 160 45 -115 STAT...buffer is not pinned co 199 62 -137 STAT...undo change vector size 276,656 276,904 248 LATCH.library cache lock 885 192 -693 STAT...consistent gets 1,304 2,110 806 STAT...consistent gets from ca 1,304 2,110 806 STAT...session logical reads 7,380 8,197 817 LATCH.cache buffers chains 25,791 26,668 877 STAT...calls to get snapshot s 2,074 3,028 954 STAT...shared hash latch upgra 1,051 2,015 964 STAT...index scans kdiixs1 1,051 2,015 964 LATCH.PL/SQL warning settings 16 1,002 986 STAT...redo size 869,588 871,052 1,464 STAT...execute count 1,072 3,028 1,956 STAT...parse count (total) 67 2,023 1,956 STAT...session cursor cache hi 34 2,003 1,969 STAT...opened cursors cumulati 45 2,025 1,980 STAT...recursive calls 7,734 13,404 5,670 LATCH.row cache objects 774 9,377 8,603 LATCH.session allocation 1,024 10,396 9,372 LATCH.library cache pin 7,234 22,376 15,142 LATCH.library cache 10,091 29,590 19,499 Run1 latches total versus runs -- differnece and pct Run1 Run2 Diff Pct
-------------------------RESULTS (2) ---------------------------------
Using 'return 1=0' instead of 'raise exception' in VPD/RLS function so
that the security
function does not act the same as the trigger and pacakge solution
resulted in:
Run1 ran in 2200 hsecs
Run2 ran in 2258 hsecs
run 1 ran in 97.43% of the time
Name Run1 Run2 Diff ................. STAT...consistent gets - exami 153 46 -107 LATCH.dml lock allocation 2,207 2,086 -121 STAT...buffer is not pinned co 185 62 -123 LATCH.enqueue hash chains 4,649 4,507 -142 LATCH.simulator lru latch 599 385 -214 LATCH.simulator hash latch 607 388 -219 STAT...redo size 869,220 869,492 272 STAT...undo change vector size 276,592 276,980 388 STAT...consistent gets from ca 1,287 2,113 826 STAT...consistent gets 1,287 2,113 826 STAT...session logical reads 7,356 8,191 835 STAT...calls to get snapshot s 2,069 3,029 960 STAT...shared hash latch upgra 1,049 2,015 966 STAT...index scans kdiixs1 1,049 2,015 966 LATCH.PL/SQL warning settings 16 1,001 985 LATCH.shared pool 1,318 199 -1,119 LATCH.library cache lock 1,484 182 -1,302 STAT...parse count (total) 64 2,023 1,959 STAT...execute count 1,069 3,028 1,959 STAT...session cursor cache hi 31 2,003 1,972 STAT...opened cursors cumulati 42 2,025 1,983 LATCH.cache buffers chains 29,843 26,540 -3,303 LATCH.session allocation 5,798 10,390 4,592 STAT...recursive calls 7,698 13,404 5,706 LATCH.row cache objects 2,090 9,323 7,233 LATCH.library cache pin 8,530 22,334 13,804 LATCH.library cache 12,077 29,532 17,455 Run1 latches total versus runs -- differnece and pct Run1 Run2 Diff Pct
-------------------------RESULTS (3) ---------------------------------
Using "policy_type = dbms_rls.STATIC" when adding the policy to the table to reduce the parsing.
Run1 ran in 2197 hsecs
Run2 ran in 2180 hsecs
run 1 ran in 100.78% of the time
Name Run1 Run2 Diff STAT...parse count (total) 65 25 -40 STAT...consistent gets - exami 153 45 -108 STAT...buffer is not pinned co 185 62 -123 STAT...session logical reads 7,359 7,191 -168 STAT...consistent gets from ca 1,287 1,111 -176 STAT...consistent gets 1,287 1,111 -176 STAT...recursive calls 7,698 7,403 -295 STAT...undo change vector size 276,588 276,892 304 LATCH.session allocation 837 511 -326 LATCH.row cache objects 382 720 338 LATCH.cache buffers chains 25,019 25,461 442 LATCH.library cache lock 242 796 554 STAT...redo size 869,508 870,228 720 LATCH.library cache pin 6,520 3,051 -3,469 LATCH.library cache 8,804 3,788 -5,016 STAT...session uga memory 7,488 0 -7,488 Run1 latches total versus runs -- differnece and pct Run1 Run2 Diff Pct
Seems that the raising of exceptions have no (or little) impact on the latch or wall clock difference of two solutions.
The parses are killing the VPD solution, policy_type = dbms_rls.STATIC makes it using fewer latches.
Once the parses are reduced then VPD/RLS solution is more scalable.
------------------Test Script -----------------------
set serveroutput on
i int;
execute immediate 'alter table emp enable all triggers';
dbms_rls.drop_policy (object_schema => 'SCOTT',
object_name => 'EMP', policy_name => 'VPDPOLICY3');
for i in 1..1000 loop
end loop;
execute immediate 'alter table emp disable all triggers';
dbms_rls.add_policy (object_schema => 'SCOTT', object_name => 'EMP', policy_name => 'VPDPOLICY3', function_schema => 'SCOTT', policy_function => 'VPDPOLICY3_FNC', statement_types => 'UPDATE', policy_type => dbms_rls.STATIC);
for i in 1..1000 loop
end loop;
Received on Tue Aug 15 2006 - 05:36:18 CDT
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