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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: SQL query time out in ORACLE db wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following join query running on SQL and ORACLE identical
> database/tables with the same indexes. However, in SQL this query runs
> in 10 seconds and in ORACLE it gets timed out after three minutes. Any
> idea in making it work in ORACLE is much appreciated.
> select g3.[value] as LOCATION, g1.[value] as TASKID, sum(g0.transamt)
> as TRANSAMT, sum(cast(g2.[value] as int)) as QTY
> from glpost g0
> join glposto g1 on g0.postingseq=g1.postingseq and
> g0.cntdetail=g1.cntdetail and g1.optfield='TASKID' and g1.[value] in
> ('000000','000001')
> join glposto g2 on g1.postingseq=g2.postingseq and
> g1.cntdetail=g2.cntdetail and g2.optfield='TXNQTY'
> join glposto g3 on g1.postingseq=g3.postingseq and
> g1.cntdetail=g3.cntdetail and g3.optfield='TEAM' and g3.[value] in
> ('301','302','303')
> Where g0.fiscalyr >= 2005 and g0.fiscalyr <= 2005 and g0.fiscalperd >=
> 6 and g0.fiscalperd <= 6
> group by g3.[value], g1.[value]
> select g3.value as LOCATION, g1.value as TASKID, sum(g0.transamt) as
> TRANSAMT, sum(cast(g2.value as int)) as QTY
> from glpost g0
> join glposto g1 on g0.postingseq=g1.postingseq and
> g0.cntdetail=g1.cntdetail and g1.optfield='TASKID' and g1.value in
> ('000000','000001')
> join glposto g2 on g1.postingseq=g2.postingseq and
> g1.cntdetail=g2.cntdetail and g2.optfield='TXNQTY'
> join glposto g3 on g1.postingseq=g3.postingseq and
> g1.cntdetail=g3.cntdetail and g3.optfield='TEAM' and g3.value in
> ('301','302','303')
> Where g0.fiscalyr >= 2005 and g0.fiscalyr <= 2005 and g0.fiscalperd >=
> 6 and g0.fiscalperd <= 6
> group by g3.value, g1.value
> Thank you.
> Best Rgds,
> Gilroy.
Interesting how you knew VALUE is a reserved word in SQL Server but failed to recognise that with Oracle. This modified query:
select g3."VALUE" as LOCATION, g1."VALUE" as TASKID, sum(g0.transamt)
TRANSAMT, sum(cast(g2."VALUE" as int)) as QTY
from glpost g0
join glposto g1 on g0.postingseq=g1.postingseq and
g0.cntdetail=g1.cntdetail and g1.optfield='TASKID' and g1."VALUE" in
join glposto g2 on g1.postingseq=g2.postingseq and
g1.cntdetail=g2.cntdetail and g2.optfield='TXNQTY'
join glposto g3 on g1.postingseq=g3.postingseq and
g1.cntdetail=g3.cntdetail and g3.optfield='TEAM' and g3."VALUE" in
Where g0.fiscalyr >= 2005 and g0.fiscalyr <= 2005 and g0.fiscalperd
6 and g0.fiscalperd <= 6
group by g3."VALUE", g1."VALUE";
should work.
David Fitzjarrell Received on Fri Sep 23 2005 - 10:33:30 CDT