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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Career Advise - Database Management
hpuxrac wrote:
I guess that makes it "learning"? It must really be a modern definition...
And it is false to claim you can't get a job without the OCP. Totally and utterly false and a common FUD technique of those who pander this kind of "training".
> That is driving force behind why people are willing to go through what
> badly needs to be totally revamped oracle training.
Not really.
> It would probably be best if oracle dropped the whole OCP program but
> as long as it brings any (even negligible) revenue stream into oracle
> corporation I cannot see that happening.
> While the overall quality of the information is scattered, incomplete,
> and in some areas marginal, there is some degree of learning possible
> to people who go through the OCP program.
> Obviously one can rant and rave about companies and community colleges
> turning out incompetent people but isn't that what the modern
> educational systems and capitalism are all about?
Yes. Let's keep it, makes a lot of sense. Ever tried to figure out why offshoring is getting such a good following? It's not just the cost equation, it's also the quality of what is on offer from these "training" systems. Received on Tue Sep 20 2005 - 21:46:47 CDT