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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Career Advise - Database Management
hpuxrac wrote:
> David what you and Nuno are both apparently missing is the fact for
> many job postings an OCP is now listed as a pre-requisite to HR.
Lets put that to a test.
date 24-Sep-2005
Search for jobs using the criterion "PL/SQL" 2,892 matching jobs
Search these results using the criterion "OCP" 7 matching jobs
Then do the math
7/2892 = 0.24%
Maybe in your world it is worth spending thousands of dollars for a shot at 0.24% of the available jobs: Not in mine.
Well maybe it is just the criterion "PL/SQL" so lets try "Oracle DBA" 1,487 matching jobs
Search these results using the criterion "OCP" 19 matching jobs
Then do the math
19/1487 = 1.28%
Not exactly a ringing endorsement for the HR department's clamoring for those OCP grads.
If you have evidence to the contrary please share it with us.
-- Daniel A. Morgan (replace x with u to respond)Received on Sat Sep 24 2005 - 14:41:01 CDT