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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: RAC nodes and date/time sync
On Thu, 15 Sep 2005 07:43:22 +0200, mea0730 wrote
(in article <>):
> How important is it for the time to be sync between nodes in a RAC
> cluster? Do they have to be within a microssecond, second, minute,..?
> or does it matter at all?
Think about this ... what happens if your app first uses instance a and does something with date/time and in the next phase happens to connect to instance b that is running behind instance a (in time). This could lead to transactions being done in the future ... (nice for a stock broker).
As far as I know locking is not based on the real clock time but on an internal clock that is not much more than a counter. Time to do synchronization with is not a very good option. What happens if the hardware gets a little quicker ? It will all get a bit messy. Read about cache fusion and how it works. It's good reading and also explains a bit about how RAC scales and why.
With kind regards / met vriendelijke groeten, Ronald
Received on Sat Sep 17 2005 - 06:02:02 CDT