Mark C. Stock wrote:
> "DA Morgan" <> wrote in message
> news:1126797392.186999_at_yasure...
>>Noons wrote:
>>>DA Morgan wrote:
>>>>Mark C. Stock wrote:
>>>>>corporate instructor lead training goes for from $420 up to $550 or more
>>>>>seat per day these days -- so at the low-end, $6k would covers about 14
>>>>>at 'standard' rates -- some 'boot camp' courses are listed for $9,495
>>>>>for 14
>>>>>days, including meals and accomodations
>>>>On the basis that no one is going to apply for a Visa and move to the
>>>>US because I post this I will speak from experience.
>>>>University of Washington Oracle program: 9 months: Less than $2,000.
>>>>Puget Sound Oracle Users Group: all day hands-on classes with each
>>>>student getting their own server: ~$450/day.
>>>>$6,000 for an OCP course is outrageous.
>>>I've said it many times here and in other places:
>>>the ONLY thing OCP has achieved is to make a lot of
>>>companies providing this kind of service very, very rich.
>>>Talk about giving Oracle an aura of very high TCO,
>>>difficult to learn product: 6 grand! What a joke!
>>>Can't someone at Oracle SEE they're shooting themselves
>>>in the foot with this ludicrous thing and just PUT AN END
>>>to it? It's been going on long enough. What a crock...
>>I fully agree with the aspect of this you have raised here first.
>>This kind of nonsense makes Oracle, as a corporation, look bad.
>>It gives the definite impression that Oracle is hard to use, hard
>>to learn, and expensive far beyond the cost of the software itself.
>>Far from being useful this kind of white-collar thievery hurts
>>Oracle and reinforces the Microsoft/SQL Server marketing message.
>>Daniel A. Morgan
>>(replace x with u to respond)
> excuse me... a brief google for MS-SS certification programs (MCDBA) came up
> with a 460 hour program (gatlin education services). i don't think this is
> an oracle-only issue
> ++ mcs
Didn't say it was. But it plays into Microsoft's hands as they often
criticize Oracle for being hard to learn. That the pot is as black
as the kettle is not something they acknowledge.
Daniel A. Morgan
(replace x with u to respond)
Received on Thu Sep 15 2005 - 11:06:50 CDT