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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Career Advise - Database Management
"DA Morgan" <> wrote in message
> Noons wrote:
>> DA Morgan wrote:
>>>Mark C. Stock wrote:
>>>>corporate instructor lead training goes for from $420 up to $550 or more
>>>>seat per day these days -- so at the low-end, $6k would covers about 14
>>>>at 'standard' rates -- some 'boot camp' courses are listed for $9,495
>>>>for 14
>>>>days, including meals and accomodations
>>>On the basis that no one is going to apply for a Visa and move to the
>>>US because I post this I will speak from experience.
>>>University of Washington Oracle program: 9 months: Less than $2,000.
>>>Puget Sound Oracle Users Group: all day hands-on classes with each
>>>student getting their own server: ~$450/day.
>>>$6,000 for an OCP course is outrageous.
>> I've said it many times here and in other places:
>> the ONLY thing OCP has achieved is to make a lot of
>> companies providing this kind of service very, very rich.
>> Talk about giving Oracle an aura of very high TCO,
>> difficult to learn product: 6 grand! What a joke!
>> Can't someone at Oracle SEE they're shooting themselves
>> in the foot with this ludicrous thing and just PUT AN END
>> to it? It's been going on long enough. What a crock...
> I fully agree with the aspect of this you have raised here first.
> This kind of nonsense makes Oracle, as a corporation, look bad.
> It gives the definite impression that Oracle is hard to use, hard
> to learn, and expensive far beyond the cost of the software itself.
> Far from being useful this kind of white-collar thievery hurts
> Oracle and reinforces the Microsoft/SQL Server marketing message.
> --
> Daniel A. Morgan
> (replace x with u to respond)
excuse me... a brief google for MS-SS certification programs (MCDBA) came up with a 460 hour program (gatlin education services). i don't think this is an oracle-only issue
++ mcs Received on Thu Sep 15 2005 - 10:24:25 CDT