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"utkanbir" <> escribió en el mensaje
> Hi ,
> I am trying a very simple recovery but have not achived it yet.Here
> what i try to do:
> 1. I copy all the files from my backup location to the original
> location.
You should not copy the redo logs back. Only copy the control files back if
you are
simulating a complete loss of files or cloning the DB. The preferred
recovery scenario uses the
current control file if at all possible. This is the reason that Oracle
maintains mirror copies.
> 2. startup mount
> 3. recover database ;
> At this point the command fails and says recover database using backup
> controlfile is necessary. Why?
You copied the control file back. When you do this from a cold backup you
have two
a. Do nothing. The database is consistent and needs no recovery to open.
b. Recover database using the backup control file.
Even though the database is in a consistent state after the restore, when you issue a
recover database, Oracle recognises that the control file is not current when it checks
the SCN of the archive logs.
> 3. recover database using backup controlfile;
> this command applies each log , it says for some of the logs they are
> not required , at the end it asks for an archived log number which
> does not exist and fails.
Oracle applies the archive logs sequencially until it reaches
one that does not exist. If this is indeed the last archived log then all is
If not then an incomplete recovery becomes necessary.
Check if you can open the database.
> Then recovery stops.
> What point do i miss here? It seems very simple and staright forward
> but it fails.
> I will be appreciated ,if some one can help me.
> Kind Regards,
> hope
Anthony Hogan
Received on Thu Mar 10 2005 - 08:18:01 CST