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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Simple archive question
Hi ,
I am trying a very simple recovery but have not achived it yet.Here what i try to do:
This is a test database on my laptop , oracle is installed and
db server is in archive log mode.
After stopping the db server by using shutdown immediate , i copy all
the data file ,redo log files , control files etc to my backup
location. Then i restart the db , make some transactions (someof them
are nologging some of them are logging operations) . Archive all the
redo logs by using archive log all . Then at this point , i want to
return to my previous backup and recover the dbserver up to the latest
point in order to see which operations are really logged and recovered
At this point the command fails and says recover database using backup controlfile is necessary. Why?
3. recover database using backup controlfile;
this command applies each log , it says for some of the logs they are not required , at the end it asks for an archived log number which does not exist and fails.
Then recovery stops.
What point do i miss here? It seems very simple and staright forward but it fails.
I will be appreciated ,if some one can help me.
Kind Regards,
Received on Thu Mar 10 2005 - 00:43:37 CST