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c.d.o.server: by subject
- *NEWBIE* Help needed for decoding that ...
- 10g, RH4 and AMD64
- Backup Tool Alternative to RMAN and BMC's SQL Backtrack
- Bug in Oracle Lite Transport Demo for WinCE.NET
- CBO: statistics collection
- Column names in the OLD and NEW virtual tables
- Corrupted empty blocks
- Creating a instance for another user...
- cursor result return
- Db2, Oracle, SQL Server
- Distinct column content
- Find a better plan than that computed by the optimizer ??
- FK versus PK
- Help Please!!! - SQLBindParameter
- how to access database control of many oracle10g database instances on same server
- I need a little information about Oracle Lite...
- Installing Oracle client over existing database
- Job starting problem
- Multi snapshots
- odbc-gurus
- ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
- Oracle 9i:Downtime mandatory for 'Cluster offline' patches. What about with Oracle 10g?
- Oracle Disk Architecture...
- Oracle Object Types and Java (migrating from mod_plsql)
- oracle replaces ISO-8859-1 characters with question marks
- Oracle VMWARE aware?
- ORACLE.EXE still in memory after desinstall + reboot (10G)
- Probl. criteres extraction
- Query not returning same results when displaying one column less
- Question re basic replication
- Replication : Oracle Lite <=> Oracle DB
- Roles
- Searching for the Holy Grail... Glogin.sql
- sql query problem related to rownum. please help
- SQLBindParameter(dynamic) & SQLDescribeParams
- SQLDescribeParam - Interpretation of parameter-values (docu?)
- Standby database, archive logs only get shipped once
- Subquery Question
- usernames
- Using views inside a View
- Why loadjava doesn't see .jar file ?
- window solution :-)
- Last message date: Tue Feb 22 2005 - 23:58:24 CST
- Archived on: Tue Mar 01 2005 - 01:02:03 CST