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Re: Advice on OCP Exams

From: design <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 18:30:43 -0800
Message-ID: <>

I started with SQL Server 6.5 on Windows (ugh) as well, and hated it too.

You may have to pay your dues by working for a startup under a senior Oracle DBA, or something like that.

I don't know what else to suggest.

"Mark A. Framness" wrote:

> On Thu, 1 Jan 1970 02:59:59, design <> wrote:
> > If you have no experience with Oracle, get some.
> > I don't know why people think that studying a bunch of books to get
> > "certified" on something they have no experience with is a good thing.
> > To me, alls it shows is that you can study and take and pass a few
> > tests. Big deal.
> > Seems like more and more people are posting saying they don't have Oracle
> > experience but are taking the OCP exams. Hmmm...
> > will the certification eventually be diminished to the level of Novel?
> > Oracle should strive to be more like the Cisco certification -- it'll
> > actually mean something.
> Some of this is going to be repeated from another post but live with it!
> Catch 22 your first proposition. How to get experience when no one will
> hire you unless you have OCP credentials of some sort? Springing for
> personal Oracle is fine but many people (and rightfully so) will point out
> that personal oracle is no substitute for working with & on real live
> production systems.
> In my case I have some experience working with DB/2 and SQL Server 6.5
> (hated it) and messing around with personal Oracle. In fact I had been
> turned down on a consulting assignment because of my lack of credentials
> with Oracle (not a problem for me picking it up but the client did not want
> to mess with that) so I embarked upon the OCP track while I do not believe
> I'll be able to finish it w/o significant on the job training it appears
> the first exam can be done just fine w/o significant on the job experience.
> The app developer track, as a whole, appears to be the same way. DBA
> track I have yet to seriously look at.
> From: Mark A. Framness
> Go Pack Go!
> Oh balsam tree oh balsam tree I see you when I deer hunt!
> Brian Framness
Received on Mon Jan 17 2000 - 20:30:43 CST

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