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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Advice on OCP Exams
My post wasn't intended to be nasty, and I apologize if it was taken that way.
I was just giving advice. I still don't see why a company would only hire
someone with Oracle Certification, no matter what experience level.
Of course, the development track may be different.
I would question why someone would pass up someone with multiple years of
hardcore experience because they haven't taken the tests.
It's just an opinion, one which has been expressed by others repeatedly on this
At least you realize you'll have to get the experience too.
What I was referring to was people who have $$$ signs in their eyes, and feel they are going to be making six figures once they get certified, whether they have experience or not. It's that kind of thing (maybe the exams are too easy?) that will cheapen the certification and make it laughable. .
"Mark A. Framness" wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Jan 1970 02:59:59, design <> wrote:
> > If you have no experience with Oracle, get some.
> > I don't know why people think that studying a bunch of books to get
> > "certified" on something they have no experience with is a good thing.
> > To me, alls it shows is that you can study and take and pass a few
> > tests. Big deal.
> > Seems like more and more people are posting saying they don't have Oracle
> > experience but are taking the OCP exams. Hmmm...
> > will the certification eventually be diminished to the level of Novel?
> > Oracle should strive to be more like the Cisco certification -- it'll
> > actually mean something.
> Some of this is going to be repeated from another post but live with it!
> Catch 22 your first proposition. How to get experience when no one will
> hire you unless you have OCP credentials of some sort? Springing for
> personal Oracle is fine but many people (and rightfully so) will point out
> that personal oracle is no substitute for working with & on real live
> production systems.
> In my case I have some experience working with DB/2 and SQL Server 6.5
> (hated it) and messing around with personal Oracle. In fact I had been
> turned down on a consulting assignment because of my lack of credentials
> with Oracle (not a problem for me picking it up but the client did not want
> to mess with that) so I embarked upon the OCP track while I do not believe
> I'll be able to finish it w/o significant on the job training it appears
> the first exam can be done just fine w/o significant on the job experience.
> The app developer track, as a whole, appears to be the same way. DBA
> track I have yet to seriously look at.
> From: Mark A. Framness
> Go Pack Go!
> Oh balsam tree oh balsam tree I see you when I deer hunt!
> Brian Framness
Received on Mon Jan 17 2000 - 20:19:41 CST
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